A common plumbing problem is low water pressure. You should measure your static water pressure to diagnose and fix this problem.
It is simple enough to use a water pressure gauge that most hardware and home improvement stores have. The basic device includes a measuring gauge, a standard hookup such as those found on garden hoses that can be attached to an exterior hosebib or your washer's hot or cold water bib. Simply screw the measuring gauge onto the faucet to check the house's static water pressure. The gauge will then show you how high the pressure is on that floor. Typically, the water pressure on a second floor home is 8 psi less than the one on the first commercial plumbing langley bc canada.
What is the right water pressure? It is best to keep your water pressure between 50 and 70 psi for residential plumbing. The maximum pressure for plumbing fixtures is 80 psi. If the pressure exceeds 80 psi, your fixtures could be damaged. You may also experience problems with insufficient water flow if your pressure drops below 50 psi.
If your water pressure is high, adjust your PRV (pressure-reducing valve). This valve should be located near the main water shutoff. Installing a PRV is a must if you don't have one. The PRV is simple to set up and maintains the house's water pressure at an exact level.
If your water pressure is low, first check with your municipal water provider to see if it is normal. A water pressure booster pump is the best option if it is. There are many options available, and they come in a range of price points. However, it is highly recommended that you have one of these booster pump installed by a professional plumber. This is not something you can do yourself. This is a major project.
Pressures that are lower than they should be could indicate a problem in the exterior pipes. This could be a blockage, leak, or crimp. Depending on the exact location of the problem, who is responsible for fixing it will determine who is responsible. The plumbing must be maintained by the homeowners from the moment it enters their home. The municipality is responsible for pipes that cross your property line.
You may also have a problem with water flow, not water pressure. If you have sufficient static water pressure but feel like you aren't getting enough water out of any of your fixtures, it is likely that there is an issue with the water flow through your house's plumbing.
A dirty shower head or faucet aerator could be the problem. You can clean the problem by unscrewing the shower head or faucet aerator and then soaking it overnight in 50% water and half of white vinegar. If it is difficult to unscrew, place the solution of water and white vinegar in a bag and seal the bag with a rubber band.
Poor water flow can lead to costly repairs. Corroded galvanized-steel pipes are a likely reason. Galvanized steel pipes are not recommended for plumbed in houses as they can only last around 40 years. They are easily corroded by water, and rust deposits build up inside. This reduces the diameter of the pipes, which causes decreased water flow. It is possible to repair the problem by replacing them with copper or PEX pipe.
Poor workmanship or design could also be the problem. Water flow can be reduced by a crimp, or poorly soldered joint.